Food & Recipes Health

20 Healthy Foods That’ll Reduce Your Appetite


There is always a constant struggle to find the healthiest foods that give you the feeling of “being full” and “staying full” as to comply with diets, to battle overeating and to ultimately eat healthier. There is a simple reason some of these healthy wonder-foods can fill us up. Foods that contain high levels of fiber or that contain water, often have much fewer calories and cause the stomach to expand. Also, these foods are known to cause the stomach to empty at a slower pace as well, giving you that “full” feeling for an extended period of time. In this list we gathered 20 foods that will make you less hungry and help you avoid overeating.

#20 Avocado

20 Healthy Foods That'll Reduce Your Appetite
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Avocado is an incredibly healthy snack that not only tastes great but will keep you full. Within its green skin is a creamy flesh packed with fiber that fills your stomach up quickly. Avocados also contain monounsaturated fat which send signals to your brain that your stomach is full.
