Food & Recipes Health

20 Delicious Protein Powder Recipes You Must Try


Are you working hard in the gym to stay fit, lose a little weight or just to be healthier? Working out is great, but it’s also important to properly plan and maintain a healthy diet. Protein powder meals are a fantastic way to feed your body post or pre-workout! Protein is a great way to keep your muscles healthy, working properly and healing. Some believe that protein powder meals may not taste the best, but we are here to tell you that’s not true! Here are 20 of the best recipes using protein powder to lessen muscle soreness and fatigue and taste great while doing it.

#20 Vanilla Coffee Shake

20 Delicious Protein Powder Recipes You Must Try
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Ditch your morning sugar-filled coffee drink with a healthy, protein-filled delicacy. This drink requires 2 scoops of your favorite vanilla protein powder, 1 ½ cup of fat free milk and ½ cup of coffee-flavored, low-fat ice cream. Combine those ingredients, blend and drink for 66 grams of protein to start or end your day.
